Upcoming Events

Building Better Brains

March 26, 2024

Building Better BrainsĀ will be hosted virtually on Zoom, on March 26, 2024, at 7:00pm CST.Ā This professional development session is designed to help you discover a model for healthy brain development for young children (ages 0-3).

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Leading Early Childhood ConferenceĀ 

The Leading Early Childhood ConferenceĀ is aĀ four-hour conference that will provide you with the opportunity to connect with other early childhood professionals and grow as a leader and educator. Our conference will be hosted at the locations and dates listed below:

  • Roswell, NM: April 6, 2024
  • Albuquerque, NM: April 19, 2024
  • Virtually: May 1, 2024
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